Children / Teen Ministry

A variety of activities designed to lead our children to the saving knowledge of
Jesus Christ:
Kidz Worship Bible Study
Musicals Vacation Bible School
Kidz Easter Celebration
Trunk of Treats
Our next quarterly Business Meeting will be April 27, 2025 at 11:45am in the Sanctuary.
All members are encouraged to attend
Music Ministry

Our praise band needs guitar players! Talk to Josh Sweitzer if you (or someone you know) can help.
Collection boxes are out all year for your donations.
Suggested items will be featured every two months.


VOLUNTEERS are needed
March 3 - 7, 2025
Call Barb or Deb @ 618-345-7779 for details.
Approximately six times yearly we support the Collinsville Meals-On-Wheels program, by delivering meals for a week to shut-ins and others who may be home-bound. This ministry takes us into many homes across the area as the hands and feet of Christ. It truly is an experience you won't want to miss. Contact Barb or Deb @ 618-345-7779 for times and dates.